The Plainfield Main Street organization has sponsored a Farmers Market on Wednesday morning for the past two years, and in 2003, they have opted NOT to continue their sponsorship. Regarding it as a viable money-making project, the Kiwanis Club looks forward to sponsoring the Kiwanis Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings beginning in mid-July. A local "farmer" (Wagner Farms) has been secured and other potential vendors will be contacted for participation.
The Market will be advertised locally as well as in The Chicago Tribune.
With the upcoming Annual Meeting scheduled, the Nominating Committee headed by President Pete Blazina has been busy securing a slate of officers to guide the Club during the next administrative year.
Tina Chopp will take over the reins as Club President.
Each year, the goal of any organization that "adopts" a section of highway is to stage four successful clean-up sessions. The early spring cleaning is often the largest, with the litter that has been allowed to collect through the winter months.
In addition to the stretch of Illinois Route 126 that the Plainfield Kiwanis is responsible for, an additional 2 miles is assigned to the Plainfield High School Key Club. With the proper coordination and cooperation, the Kiwanians and Key Clubbers work together to get both areas cleaned up on the same morning.
As the village of Plainfield hosts Cruise Nights on Tuesday evening throughout the summer months, Kiwanis Club members plan to have their popcorn and snow cone machines operating and busy. The first Cruise Night is scheduled for ____, and the season will last while the weather permits.
2002-2003 Illinois-Eastern Iowa Governor Mary Manning was scheduled to visit the Club and Division 21 on Monday, February 24, 2003. The visit was scheduled to be held during one of the Naperville Evening Club's regular meetings, and serve as the Governor's official visit to Division 21. All Division 21 Clubs were be invited to send representatives to the meeting, and four clubs took advantage of the opportunity to send delegations of 3 or more, thereby qualifying as an interclub visit. Plainfield Club members Mary Dickerson, Nancy Ally, and Russ Creel (along with his wife Cathie) attended. Because Lt. Gov. Novotny was present, three club members plus the Lt. Gov. qualifies as an interclub.
Unfortunately, Mary was suffering from pneumonia that day and was forced to cancel her visit at the last minute. (Anyone attending the Collinsville convention the week before realizes that Mary was suffering from the early signs of a cold/pneumonia at that time.) Fortunately for the 100+ members and guests in attendance, Lt. Gov. Bill Novotny was able to arrange for Gov. Elect Larry Spone to come to the meeting.
Larry spoke briefly but impressed those attending with his personal enthusiasm and participation in the Kiwanis organization. Among those in attendance was Mark Brent of the Aurora Noon Club; Mark will serve as Lt. Gov. for Division 21 during the 2003-2004 Administrative year. Also, Key Club Lt. Gov. Chad Kitchens was in attendance. Chad has announced his candidacy for 2003-2004 I-I District Key Club Governor.
Created April 2003. Last updated Sunday, April 20, 2003